Women organisations often lack the skills, insights
and experiences to construct strategic alliances
with potential partners and stakeholders and to get
their voices heard in places of relevance.
Therefore We offer leadership and Advocacy and
Lobbying training and in-depth knowledge of
different methods and skills. We aim to allow
women to examine their existing methods and to
reflect on their own and others’ use of methods.
We help women and girls to discuss problems and
any difficult feelings they encounter in a safe and
trusted confidential environment.
We build a bridge between counselling the
indigenous best practice of and the modern best
practice of counselling.
The AFRICAN CHAMBER OF Commerce Nordics (ACCN)
The African Chamber of Commerce Nordics (ACCN) is the premier platform and trusted voice connecting the world countries with the African continent for business development.
We introduce the SDGs as our basic tool to make smooth and significant changes either in their home counties or in these second countries.
We offer entrepreneurship programs in school and the public sector. Together we create new working methods and improve existing support to women and girls. The aim is to be equally inclusive for the development of people, ideas and innovations.
We help women and girls' development, including their organisations to gain access to targeted knowledge, useful and relevant information, viable contacts, and network that help to further boost their contribution to the overall women development and development of their countries of origin.
We help women and girls to integrate into society using Integration speed ( INSE) methods as a strategy for coordination and collaboration within Organization and between Organizations and individuals involved in the integration, Inclusion, empowerment and equality work to contribute to a faster and more efficient integration process.
We support diaspora who want to return so that they themselves are indispensable change agents within development cooperation circles both in the host and home countries.
AWL has established a legally operating sub-office in South Sudan, Africa, ensuring a strong presence and direct engagement on the ground to facilitate impactful programs and sustainable development initiatives